Beginning life as a small group of friends meeting in a pair of houses on the Lower Higham Road, the church found its spiritual roots in the fires of the healing revival epitomised by the ministries of Smith Wigglesworth and others. Chalk Pentecostal Church, as it was then known, met in one house whilst the Sunday School met in the other. They soon outgrew both of these premise.
Our forefathers
City Praise Centre was formed under the leadership of Pastor Stanley Bennett.
First church is built
The original church hall was constructed debt free in 1973 on the site of the original houses, providing some much needed ‘growing space’. By the mid 1990’s, Pastor Bennett was looking to retire due to failing health.
New leadership
Pastor Tom Griffiths moved from Margate, where he had been serving as Youth Pastor, to assume the overall leadership of the church.
New office wing
Over the last eighteen years CPC (now known as City Praise Centre) has grown to 700 regulars. To cope with these increased numbers, in 2001 the office wing was added.
On the move
As the church continued to grow, City Praise Centre had to relocate. The morning church services were held at Gravesend Boys Grammar School.
On the move again
In 2008 City Praise Centre had undergone a major relocation to the Woodville Halls, where its services reach hundreds every Sunday, presenting the gospel in a clear, cringe-free and exciting way!
We are home
When CPC was established in 1959, the founding Pastor, Stanley Bennett, prayer walked the area around Base Camp. He believed that it was God’s will to have a large place that covered the Maltings building next door. With God’s providence, we have now seen that dream come true.
New Eldership Appointed
In October of 2021 a new team of Elders (Youth Pastor Bruna Willing, Mike Collins, Graeme Baldwin & Stephen Ojo) were appointed to lead the church and Graeme Baldwin was appointed Pastor. Refocusing on the vision, City Praise has moved into a new season exciting by the journey ahead of us!