We believe in the biblical principles of tithes and offerings: if everyone play a part in building the house by offering tithes and gifts it provides resource to create a healthy community and church. Here are the different projects that you can support through Standing Order or Bank Transfer:
Church Activities
This goes towards the upkeep of the church and our outreach to the local community:
Account Name: City Praise Centre CIO
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account No.: 00028436
Reference: Your ‘Giving Number’ – see below
Mission India
This goes directly to our partner in India supporting their work in their local community:
Account Name: CPC Mission India
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account No.: 00030295
Reference: Your ‘Giving Number’ – see below
With Love
This provides practical help to those in our community in need from goods to financial support.
Account Name: CPC – With Love
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account No.: 00028437
Reference: Your ‘Giving Number’ – see below
Or you can give now via Paypal to Church Activities by selecting the button below:
If you are a UK tax payer, completing a Gift Aid declaration form will increase this by 25% at no cost to you. Click here to down load a form and send it back to us at our address below. Alternatively you can request a form from one of our host team on a Sunday or via email to:
For all completed forms we will provide you a Giving Number so that we can identify you. This is made up of 8 characters:
The first four letters from your surname e.g. SMIT for surname Smith
The 2 digits from your month of birth e.g. 06 for June
The last 2 digits from the year of your birth e.g. 73 for the birth year 1973
In the above example, the complete reference is SMIT0673. This new reference must be used:
a. On the envelopes should you give your offering on a Sunday
b. As the reference, if you pay by standing order or bank transfer
The Gift Aid declaration you sign for CPC CIO, will also cover any gifts made to ‘Mission India’ and ‘With Love’ – only one declaration is required for all CPC CIO activities.
Becoming Debt Free
We have a mortgage of just over £1 million to pay off, to own the whole site outright. If you would like to contribute directly to clearing this debt,
over and above your normal giving, please use the details below to set up any payments. Even an extra regular payment of £20, £30 or £50 a month will make a massive difference!
Account Name – City Praise Centre – Building Fund Account
Sort Code – 40-52-40
Account Number – 00035318